
Increased frequency and intensity of floods, heat waves and droughts are indicative of the severity of climate change over the years. Climate change is undeniable and agendas such as the bending the curve report and the 21st conference of the parties last year reflect the active stance most countries have taken. The nations of the world have collectively agreed to do their part in integrating sustainable philosophy into various policies to be implemented. On a local scale, the San Diego community and UC San Diego in particular fosters an environment that promotes an environmentally sustainable philosophy. The UC system as a whole is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2025 and many steps have already been taken towards that goal, with UCSD fueling their shuttles with renewable natural gas and the Cool Campus Challenge addressing awareness issues. UCSD also has frequent outreach programs aimed to encourage sustainable actions, but herein lies the problem – although students have, by and large, profound knowledge of the importance of sustainability in food, water, and waste, they know next to nothing about sustainable energy. There are so many initiatives that focus on every other aspect of sustainability when energy is used by virtually everyone on Earth. The process of generating energy is the major cause of climate change, but we’re completely estranged from the process of creating energy when there are opportunities to get intimately involved with it.

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